Sunday, September 19, 2010

For vs. Why

The two big questions-



The first question is your PURPOSE and it is answered by the Gospel-  To experience the Love of God -to KNOW Him-- and to Love others- to give that Love.  The is why we exist.

The second question is your Life's Work© and it is answered by finding your CORE Competence, and applying it to your CORE Passion.   When you find your Life's Work© you will find and fulfill the PATH God has for your life and do the WORKS he has prepared in advance for you to do.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Calling and Purpose

If you are a follower of Jesus, a Christian, then you share the same purpose as all other followers.  Your purpose is to "Know Him, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent", as THIS is eternal life.  So we all have the same purpose, to know, love and serve God.  But we each also have something specific to do with our LIFE, that gives our life meaning, that is the means to our provision, that makes us  the most effective, and advances the Kingdom of God when it is devoted to Him. This is your and my "Life's Work"© .  Your Life's Work© is the primary outcome of your life, it is the "works" that have been prepared in advance for you to do.- Eph 2:10.  Your Life's Work© is the work that is referred to in Eph 4:16- .....the body.......builds itself up in love, as each part does ITS work. It the "WORKS"  are hands "find to do" in Ecc 9:10.  Our Life's Work© can only be done BY US!  No one else can do it for you.  Your Life's Work© is not a job and it is not a calling. 

It is important to know that a Calling is a job God gives you and some callings last a lifetime.  On my radio show, "God's Work in Progress"  I did a great show with Michael Novak, an Author and Speaker who is also a former Ambassador to the UN under President's Ford and Carter.  On his show appearance we discussed his great book "Business as a Calling".  Michael considers himself called to write.  It is what he's always wanted to do. But if you examine his life you can see that he has a Core Passion to write about certain things, and make certain points, address certain issues.  He also has a great ability to communicate which is a more Core Competence than writing as he also makes speeches.  When he applies this competence to his passion he has a sense of significance that can only be described as "Divine".  He is atONE with his Creator in his work. There is not a better satisfaction than that!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sometimes a Step Back

Why can't we just find our Purpose?  Why is this so difficult? Why would God keep this a secret from me?  Why would God, indeed?

God is NEVER the cause of not finding your Life's Work. It is GOD who created you for this very work!!  Why then would he oppose it?

But there is opposition. Picture a world in which we all knew and lived our Life's Work? It would be a world where people would be their most productive.  It would be a world where the Kingdom of God, that is, his highest and best Will, would drive everyone's life. This outcome does not sit well with those whose purpose is to steal kill and destroy.  John 10:10.
Sometimes the "opposer" aka "The Accuser of the Brethren" has done such a great job of stealing killing and destroying through some people, (perhaps parents, relatives, teachers, bosses) and events, (natural disasters, wealth, poverty, scarcity, disease), that other work needs to be done, than just answering the two questions. Most people experience some of these in their formative years when getting "right" formation is the key- if the "intervention" happens at the right time, it can really screw up or detour a person's Life's Work. So sometimes when we work with people, going through the tool isn't enough.

But MOST of the time the revelation, the eureka moment (I found it!) in discovering what your Life's Work is, is enough, and people who internalize it begin a journey of effectiveness and impact they had never known before.

If you find that you fall under the former category- and you will find this by going through the tool, thinking you've found your purpose, and perhaps realizing you don't have the "joy" that comes with the discovery and application of it-  realize that you have been harmed.  But YOU are NOT lost. Here are some helps-
  • Pray-  I mean pray and pray and pray that God will heal and break through and overcome. Ask for clarity about the two questions and revisit them.
  •  Have others pray-  seek out people you know and trust and who have the Spiritual Gift of Wisdom or Knowledge (the Spiritual Gifts are found in 1 Cor 12 and 14)  and NOT "Mediums" as these are counterfeits. Then revisit the tool.
  • If you want - send me the completed tool.  and I will set up a Life Counsel Session with myself of a member of our staff.  *
Your Life's Work is the most important thing you can find in your life.  My hope is that you find and LIVE yours.
In HIS Name.
Jeff Pelletier

*Intial consultation of $100 for up to 2 total hours (may be more than one call)  with  2 e-mail follow-ups. Addition time at $50 per session for up to one hour per session