Thursday, February 7, 2013

Intentionally God

God is a purposeful being.  He always acts intentionally, nothing in his being is random. You and I are created in his image. Should we live intentionally?  Yes we should . Since we are created in his image, in His Likeness, we are created to live intentionally. It is God's intention that we do so.

In fact, we always act intentionally in a sense. Everything we do is based on a conscious or unconscious choice has made.  We make these choices all the time.  These unconscious choices, these reactive choices, these decisions made "unaware",  are the ones I want you to consider.  (I'm not referring here to our involuntary auto-responses like breathing or our digestive systems.)

What I want you to consider  are your unconscious decisions,  the things you choose to do reflexively or re actively that affect your joy. I want you to consider the idea of living life more intentionally.

Now that I have that established, there are two methods to be more conscious or intentional in how you live your life.

1. You can take control, look at each situation, take a rigorous inventory, evaluate the situation, come up with alternatives and make your choice, based on the facts and reason.You can set the goals that you want and achieve them. This is how many successful people live.

2.  You can learn and internalize your "Core Purpose" or Life's Work as we also call it.   By understanding, internalizing, and living according to God's Core Purpose for your life, you will also live intentionally, but you will do so using how God has made you for life. This purpose has two components both of which come from God as part of your "creation":
-  A Core Competence-an intrinsic ability that is at the foundation of all the other abilities you have.
-  A Core Passion- this is your primary concern in life. It is that outcome or "state" that is always on your radar.  Your Life's Work is found in applying your Core Competence to your Core Passion.  When you point what you are are really great at, towards what you really care about, you will live your most full and satisfying life.

If you devote that purpose towards HIS will, God will lead you down the paths of righteous  (Psalm 23) he has for you. He will show the works he has prepared in advance for you to do (Eph 2:10) He will provide wisdom and understanding. All you need to do is co-operate with Him.  

Both of these methods are effective. But your Core Purpose, understood and devoted to God's Work, will not only give you a full and satisfying life (John 10:10),  but that work, God's work, will also advance His plan for the Kingdom here on Earth. His Kingdom come, His will be done. This practice will produce a great Good, beyond what you can think or imagine. 

We conduct purpose events and provide career coaching  to help people to learn to do this.  Soon we will be offering the purpose event on-line. 

If you would like to support this effort go to-

Jeff Pelletier, President
God's Work in Progress 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jeff Hagen

Jeff Hagen @. check out this purpose driven marketplace ministry.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

For vs. Why

The two big questions-



The first question is your PURPOSE and it is answered by the Gospel-  To experience the Love of God -to KNOW Him-- and to Love others- to give that Love.  The is why we exist.

The second question is your Life's Work© and it is answered by finding your CORE Competence, and applying it to your CORE Passion.   When you find your Life's Work© you will find and fulfill the PATH God has for your life and do the WORKS he has prepared in advance for you to do.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Calling and Purpose

If you are a follower of Jesus, a Christian, then you share the same purpose as all other followers.  Your purpose is to "Know Him, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent", as THIS is eternal life.  So we all have the same purpose, to know, love and serve God.  But we each also have something specific to do with our LIFE, that gives our life meaning, that is the means to our provision, that makes us  the most effective, and advances the Kingdom of God when it is devoted to Him. This is your and my "Life's Work"© .  Your Life's Work© is the primary outcome of your life, it is the "works" that have been prepared in advance for you to do.- Eph 2:10.  Your Life's Work© is the work that is referred to in Eph 4:16- .....the body.......builds itself up in love, as each part does ITS work. It the "WORKS"  are hands "find to do" in Ecc 9:10.  Our Life's Work© can only be done BY US!  No one else can do it for you.  Your Life's Work© is not a job and it is not a calling. 

It is important to know that a Calling is a job God gives you and some callings last a lifetime.  On my radio show, "God's Work in Progress"  I did a great show with Michael Novak, an Author and Speaker who is also a former Ambassador to the UN under President's Ford and Carter.  On his show appearance we discussed his great book "Business as a Calling".  Michael considers himself called to write.  It is what he's always wanted to do. But if you examine his life you can see that he has a Core Passion to write about certain things, and make certain points, address certain issues.  He also has a great ability to communicate which is a more Core Competence than writing as he also makes speeches.  When he applies this competence to his passion he has a sense of significance that can only be described as "Divine".  He is atONE with his Creator in his work. There is not a better satisfaction than that!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sometimes a Step Back

Why can't we just find our Purpose?  Why is this so difficult? Why would God keep this a secret from me?  Why would God, indeed?

God is NEVER the cause of not finding your Life's Work. It is GOD who created you for this very work!!  Why then would he oppose it?

But there is opposition. Picture a world in which we all knew and lived our Life's Work? It would be a world where people would be their most productive.  It would be a world where the Kingdom of God, that is, his highest and best Will, would drive everyone's life. This outcome does not sit well with those whose purpose is to steal kill and destroy.  John 10:10.
Sometimes the "opposer" aka "The Accuser of the Brethren" has done such a great job of stealing killing and destroying through some people, (perhaps parents, relatives, teachers, bosses) and events, (natural disasters, wealth, poverty, scarcity, disease), that other work needs to be done, than just answering the two questions. Most people experience some of these in their formative years when getting "right" formation is the key- if the "intervention" happens at the right time, it can really screw up or detour a person's Life's Work. So sometimes when we work with people, going through the tool isn't enough.

But MOST of the time the revelation, the eureka moment (I found it!) in discovering what your Life's Work is, is enough, and people who internalize it begin a journey of effectiveness and impact they had never known before.

If you find that you fall under the former category- and you will find this by going through the tool, thinking you've found your purpose, and perhaps realizing you don't have the "joy" that comes with the discovery and application of it-  realize that you have been harmed.  But YOU are NOT lost. Here are some helps-
  • Pray-  I mean pray and pray and pray that God will heal and break through and overcome. Ask for clarity about the two questions and revisit them.
  •  Have others pray-  seek out people you know and trust and who have the Spiritual Gift of Wisdom or Knowledge (the Spiritual Gifts are found in 1 Cor 12 and 14)  and NOT "Mediums" as these are counterfeits. Then revisit the tool.
  • If you want - send me the completed tool.  and I will set up a Life Counsel Session with myself of a member of our staff.  *
Your Life's Work is the most important thing you can find in your life.  My hope is that you find and LIVE yours.
In HIS Name.
Jeff Pelletier

*Intial consultation of $100 for up to 2 total hours (may be more than one call)  with  2 e-mail follow-ups. Addition time at $50 per session for up to one hour per session

Friday, August 13, 2010

Life Purpose = Excellence

Your Life's Purpose= Excellence 

Jesus was a carpenter for all but three years of his adult life. His Life's Purpose is to build a church that will seek and save the lost. Those years making excellent structures and furniture were also an expression of his purpose. His focus was on building. When he established his ministry his previousl life was in full view. God doesn't waste anything.

He was NAILED to a piece of wood.

He is at work even today- BUILDING his Church-- (Matt 16)

He calls Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets,Pastors and Teachers, to prepare God's people (you and I), for the work of service as his BODY, and we ultimately "build one another up in Love" Eph 4:16.

He gives us gifts for the purpose of "building" one another and the church-- 1 Cor 14--

So you see, living your purpose never ends- it is eternal.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Process of "Discipleshipification"

God's Purpose- Your Life's Work

Life's Purpose- the GPS of your life's actions
Copyright 2012- God's Work in Progress 

Purpose as I define it is the foundational driving force in your life, which comes out of you.  It is already there. It is not external like a call or a mission or vision, and is placed in everyone by God. It drives your lives it is the fuel in your person’s engine. Want Proof?

Jesus’ core purpose-  To give you a full and satisfying life (John 10:10b)

If you unpack this you will see lots of sub-outcomes and benfits and such. This purpose drove his time on Earth and and continues to drive it even now in heaven.

Satan’s purpose- to steal kill and destroy.  (John 10:10a)  Don't have to unpack this.

Here's a flash-  Satan and his helpers have been working full time making sure that people do NOT find their Life's Purpose.  Believe me he knows what the world would be like if we all knew and lived God's Purpose for our lives and it scares him to death.  His primary focus has been to prevent this from happening.

Unpacking and Finding Your Life's Purpose

I have observed a lot of books and seminars that have the intent of helping people find their life's purpose.  I think this is great.  I also think it is very important that we define what we mean by purpose.  Most of the reading equates purpose with calling. I believe strongly that this is a mistake.  Calling is not a life's work.  One can be called for a given work, such as writing a book or starting a church or going on a mission field, or starting a company and then that calling changes- this happens a lot.  But sometimes these callings take a lifetime.   Sometimes callings take a lifetime and they should not.   Many callings are interim challenges   But your Life's Purpose does not change if it is a LIFE'S purpose.  Right?   So if a calling can end or change, then a calling can't be our purpose. Callings are more like a goal or a vision or mission. So  I think a calling, a vocation, is very important but I believe a calling is an EXPRESSION of purpose, not our purpose.  Jesus was called to the cross.  Done.

Mission is not purpose either.  Missions are accomplished.  And people say they are "called" to mission and I believe it.  Jesus Mission is to seek and save the lost.  Will this mission end. Yes it will.  When all tings to come together at the end, (read Revelaton)  the saved will be with God in the new heaven and the new earth and the lost.............. you read it for yourself.  But the point is the mission is over.  Good Guys win.

Another common teaching is that our Spiritual Gifts determine our Life's Purpose or that BOTH calling, mission and gifts together determine it. This  I believe is also not accurate.  Alongside the above idea of calling is the distribution of gifting by the Holy Spirit.  Gifts, are not us, they are God through us.  They exist for the "building up of the Body"- They are "indicative" of purpose. They are also extremely important in God's plan for the world and have a role to play in our Life's Purpose but they are not our purpose.

Which brings us to purpose-

Our Life's Purpose is our Life's Work-  it is, in its essence, an intense focus of how we are supposed to live our lives day to day-  it is clarity-  an application of our lives that makes us extremely effective- it is the source of provision and when we devote it BACK to God, it also makes us very effective co-laborers with Christ in achieving provision and in saving the world.

I have helped a few  hundred or so people to find their purpose and almost every single time they cry or feel like it.  And the people whom I know, including myself, who have discovered their life's purpose, live a very focused, driven life.  Not a life of compulsion, but a life that has very specific direction and guidance.  When you discover your life's purpose your life changes permanently because purpose is the narrow path. It is an unlimited limited way, the most excellent way, and it is the way beyond all the other ways. It is God's WAY for your life.

Here is the substance of your Life's Purpose or Work, which is the foundation and focus of our lives.

Core Competence-  In each of us there is a foundational skill or ability that is at the ROOT of every other skill we have.  It is something that is so natural, so common to us, that most of us don't see it. It is in use all the time and you don't even think about doing it because is is so natural.  The people around you know it, ask them. 

Core Passion- There is, residing in EVERY person's heart an eternal care or concern that is primal and that when it is met, all seems right with the world.  It is a care or concern that when it is being addressed time seems to stop, or your sense of it diminishes. It is something you are always thinking about and it winds its way into your thinking and reading and conversations in a default way.  It is a foundational concern that God has placed on your heart.  If you have "many" of them there is something, some primal concern that links them all together. This is your CORE passion.

Your Life's Work, your Life's Purpose is "discovered" not created. It already exists.  And here is how you discover it:

You apply your Core Competence (the natural foundational ability you are naturally great at), to your Core Passion (your external foundational concern for the world around you.) 

When you apply your core competence to that core passion or concern that is fundamental in your heart you stop "working".  You have found your Life's Work, and this work is your primary work and  is comprised of all "the works that have been prepared in advance" for you to do.  These all come out of this Life's Work.

Think about your life for a minute-  Think about the times when you were most effective-when you firing on all cylinders.  That was a time when this very purpose was happening. God reveals these moments to show it to you. 

Now when you discover your purpose you can live more intentionally, and you can make decisions on purpose, and you should.  Your purpose gives you permission to say yes to work that aligns with it, and no to work that does not. In fact you almost have an obligation NOT to do work that conflicts with your purpose.  When you are doing work that aligns with your purpose what  you do is more meaningful,  and you have JOY.

Here's a plan.  Get on your knees and thank God for your purpose.  Devote it to Him, dedicate it to him.  Ask him to release the work that He has prepared in advance, ask him to show you the Plans He has for you to prosper you and give you a future and a hope.  And He will.

Send me an e-mail and I will send you tool I'm working on to help you discover it. Up to this point all my work has been one on one or in a seminar I lead.  Your feedback on the tool will help.